Continous Real-Time Cell Analysis - Highly sensitive, non-invasive, easy to operate 

xCELLigence Real-Time Cell Analysis (RTCA) - 

Live Cell Analysis Made Easy and Precise 

xCELLigence RTCA technology provides a powerful solution for real-time live cell analysis. Continuously track cell health, behavior, and function with label-free impedance and imaging assays.

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Challenges using Traditional Methods 

Time-consuming and labour-intensive 

Poor reproducibility and high variability

Low sensitivity and delayed detection

The need for labels, dyes or stainings

Only end-point data available.

Solved by xCELLigence RTCA

  • Real-time Monitoring
  • Label-free and non-invasive
  • High Sensitivity and Accuracy
  • Scalable High-Throughput Options
  • Reliable and Reproducible Results
  • Easy to use

Revolutionizing Cell-Based Research: Real-Time, Live Cell Analysis 

Experience unparalleled insight into cellular processes in real-time, under pysiological conditions.

Real-Time Monitoring

Gain continuous, dynamic insights into cellular processes, including proliferation, cytotoxicity, barrier function, migration, invasion, and immune cell-mediated killing.

Non-Invasive Technology

Measure cellular impedance in real and receive precise, quantitative data without disrupting cells.

Simple and User-Friendly

Running cell-based assays with xCELLigence RTCA is simple and straightforward. Just click the RUN button and relax—your experiment is underway!

Label-Free & Physiologically Relevant

  Preserve natural cell behavior with non-destructive, dye-free analysis, enabling long-term observation while reducing workload.

Unmatched Sensitivity

   Detect subtle cellular changes, even at low effector-to-target ratios, with kinetic data that reveal dynamic cell activities. 


Short- and Long-Term Flexibility

  Monitor cellular responses over seconds or days to capture a complete kinetic profile of behavior.  

Detect and quantify apoptosis with precision using xCELLigence RTCA eSight. Gain deeper insights into cell viability, growth, and morphology while directly visualizing apoptosis induction.

xCELLigence RTCA Analyzers

Tailored Solutions for Your Research Needs and Throughput Requirements  

xCELLigence instruments function within a standard CO₂ incubator, while the control unit remains outside. The intuitive software enables real-time monitoring, control, and data analysis for seamless live-cell experiments.

xCELLigence RTCA MP - 
Multiple Plates

Perform real-time immune killing assays. In a 6x96 well-format

xCELLigence RTCA eSight - 
Imaging & Impedance 

 Combine impedance-based measurements with live cell imaging.

xCELLigence RTCA DP - 
Cell Invasion & Migration

Analyze cell migration and invasion with precision and ease in up to 48 wells.

xCELLigence RTCA S16 - 
Pilot Scale       

Continuously monitor cell proliferation, cytopathic effects and morphological changes in a 16-well format. 

xCELLigence RTCA SP - 
Single Plate

Continously monitor cell proliferation, cytopathic effects, viral titers and morphological changes in a 96-well format.

xCELLigence RTCA HT - 
High Throughput Model

 Monitor up to four 384-well plates in real time to meet high throuput screening needs.  

xCELLigence RTCA Cardio –
Cardiomyocyte Contractility

Monitor cardiomyocyte contractility and viability in real time.

 xCELLigence RTCA CardioECR –
Cardiomyocyte Contractility & Electrical Activity

 Simultaneously analyse cardiomyocyte contractility, viability, and electrophysiology

xCELLigence RTCA ePacer –
Cardiomyocate Pacing

Easy solution for efficient maturation of hiPSC Cardiomyocytes with Less Stress

xCELLigence - Consumables


Immune Cell Killing Analysis

Enhance cancer immunotherapy research with xCELLigence Real-Time Cell Analysis. This label-free, in vitro assay provides sensitive, accurate, and direct measurements of immune cell killing potency. Monitor cellular mechanisms, including serial killing and exhaustion, under physiological conditions.

Cytotoxicity Assays`

Assess the cytotoxic effects of drugs or compounds by monitoring cell proliferation, size, morphology, and attachment quality in real time. Monitor the kinetics of long-term cellular responses with this simple and high-throughput cytotoxicity assay. Effortlessly generate dose-response curves at multiple time points, make informed decisions about treatment timing, and all without increasing workload.

Cell Adhesion Assays

Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) play a key role in metastasis by reattaching, extravasating, and spreading to distant organs. With xCELLigence RTCA, continuously track cell adhesion kinetics in real time—without fluorescent dyes. Gain deeper insights into metastatic processes and quantitatively assess cell attachment and spreading with a label-free, automated workflow.

Apoptosis and Proliferation Assays

Discover simple, quantitative, high-throughput apoptosis and proliferation assays that offer multiple perspectives on cell health and viability. Monitor real-time cell health, capturing early and late apoptotic events such as changes in cell adhesion, membrane integrity, and detachment. Track host cell proliferation to assess drug toxicity or viral presence. Detect and quantify apoptosis in living cells using a label-free approach or apoptotic/nuclear labeling reagents. The xCELLigence RTCA eSight delivers comprehensive insights with impedance, fluorescence, and brightfield imaging, providing multiple temporal vantage points.

Cell Invasion and Migration Assays

Cell invasion and migration are essential in processes like wound healing and cancer metastasis. Traditional methods often lack quantitative accuracy and efficiency. The xCELLigence RTCA DP system provides a solution by automatically collecting migration data over extended periods—without the need for sample processing, staining, or manual counting. The RTCA software generates kinetic migration curves automatically, offering a reproducible and efficient approach to studying cell movement in real time.

Stem Cell Assays

Stem cell research provides mechanistic insights into disease, aids regenerative medicine development, and offers an alternative approach to test the liability and effectiveness of new drugs. Overcome cell therapy manufacturing challenges by predicting functional capacity and assessing variability of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) with xCELLigence RTCA. Maximize production yields using fewer cells and continuously measure integrated changes in cell number, attachment, and morphology to ensure consistency between passages.

Cell Barrier Function Assays

Endothelial and epithelial cell barriers play a crucial role in protecting against disease but can become compromised in various conditions. xCELLigence RTCA provides a sensitive, impedance-based alternative to traditional barrier function assays like solute permeability and TEER. Continuously monitor barrier integrity and disruption in real time with a label-free, quantitative approach for superior insights into disease mechanisms.

Cell Signaling Assays

GPCR, RTK, and nuclear hormone signaling drive biochemical changes that impact cell count, morphology, and adhesion. xCELLigence RTCA enables real-time, label-free tracking of cell size, shape, and proliferation in response to signaling events. Capture dynamic cellular responses within minutes and monitor changes over days with a continuous, quantitative workflow.

Viral Cytopathic Effect Assays

Optimize your antiviral research by measuring viral cytopathic effects (CPE) in real time—without labor-intensive plaque assays. xCELLigence RTCA instruments automate CPE monitoring from minutes to days, reducing workload and manual handling. Effortlessly track cell proliferation kinetics, determine the ideal infection time based on cell seeding density, and assess virus-mediated cytopathogenicity—all in a single, streamlined workflow.

Phagocytosis Assays

Dynamically analyze key immune mechanisms involved in pathogen clearance and cell debris removal. Track the entire process in real time through imaging, screen for pathway modulators, and identify potential therapeutic interventions. Visualize and label macrophages using nuclear labeling reagents for enhanced insights into immune responses.

The CiPA (Comprehensive In Vitro Proarrhythmia Assay) Initiative

Driven by HESI, FDA, and the Safety Pharmacology Society, the CiPA initiative aims to enhance cardiac safety assessment by evaluating potential modifications to current FDA guidelines. The xCELLigence RTCA CardioECR was selected as a core technology for validation, playing a role in both Phase I and II of this initiative.

Cardiac Disease Modeling

Model pathophysiological cellular phenotypes of genetically heritable heart diseases using disease-specific human induced pluripotent stem cell cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CM). This modeling approach offers deeper insights into the mechanisms behind compromised electrical and contractile coupling in heart disease.

Cardio Safety Toxicology

Human induced pluripotent stem cell cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CM) are ideal for assessing drug liability. The xCELLigence RTCA CardioECR system provides a unique multiplex detection method to probe and understand the underlying toxicity of compounds and pharmaceuticals, enabling more accurate and reliable results.

Cardio Drug Discovery

Human induced pluripotent stem cell cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CM) provide an advanced model for evaluating the efficacy and toxicity of new therapeutic approaches. This includes testing inotropic compounds that modulate cardiomyocyte contractility, offering valuable insights into their potential effects on heart function.

Cardio Maturation

Long-term electrical pacing is becoming the preferred method to improve the maturation of hiPSC-CMs in a consistent, scalable way. This approach enhances gene and protein expression, as well as contractile response, making it ideal for drug safety testing, cardiovascular drug discovery, and disease modeling.

Analyze and Image your cells in Real Time 

Learn more about The xCELLigence® RTCA eSight is the first its kind, a Dual Function Cell Analyzer.

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 RTCA eSight software

Learn more about Live-Cell analysis and Imaging data and impedance.

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Cell Death Monitoring: Imaging & Impedance

Learn more about Combining Live Cell Imagin with Cellular Impedance to Monitor Apoptotic Cell Death

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xCELLigence RTCA eSight Multimode Real-Time Cell Analyzer

Learn more about Biosensor technlogy meets live cell imaging

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Drive Key Insights and Discoveries with New Live Cell Analysis Applications for eSight

Unlock Insights with New Live Cell Analysis Applications for eSight

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Invite our experts and lift your research to the next stage with a demo XCELLigence® RTCA ESight from OLS

​​​​​​​​​​Request XCELLigence® RTCA ESight Demo

Technology - Cellular Impedance Explained

Label Free, Real-Time Method for Studying Cells

Cellular impedance is a non-invasive, real-time method for studying live cells without the need for labels or staining. Unlike traditional cell assays, it provides continuous monitoring and quantitative insights into cell behavior by measuring changes in electrical impedance as cells interact with electrodes that are integrated into the plate bottom. The impedance measurements are exceptionally fast and provide exquisite temporal resolution so that all relevant responses can be measured in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.This technology eliminates endpoint limitations and offers a more accurate, dynamic view of cell metrics such as proliferation, adhesion strength, changes in morphology, migration, differentiation, and much more —bridging the gap between simple biochemical tests and whole-organism studies.


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